SonnyLife exists to serve providers and their patients with support to address the emotional distress pain causes.

As a doctor, you do not have the time or resources to provide comprehensive care to your patients with persistent pain.


A report by the Institute of Medicine said, “because pain often produces psychological and cognitive effects—anxiety, depression, and anger among them—interdisciplinary, biopsychosocial approaches are the most promising for treating patients with persistent pain. But for most patients (and clinicians), such care is a difficult-to-attain ideal, impeded by numerous structural barriers—institutional, educational, organizational, and reimbursement-related.”[1]

[1] Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Advancing Pain Research, Care, and Education. Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2011. Summary. Available from:

SonnyLife is the solution.

  • Sonnylife is a clinically validated program proven to reduce patient-reported pain and reduce analgesic dependence.

  • Sonnylife will give you the ability to successfully implement the program in the clinic as part of routine care for patients with chronic pain.

  • Sonnylife provides marketing resources and a playbook proven to successfully identify new patient referral channels and grow the program.


Pain causes emotional distress and emotional distress prevents people from getting better. The SonnyLife program is designed to supplement the provider's physical treatment plan. No comprehensive pain management program exists without SonnyLife’s emotional support.


If you are a provider interested in referring your patients, please contact us to get started.